01452 741711
Combined Events Group Coaching We offer performance level combined events coaching for ages 11 to adult. The coaching is specific to your age and stage of training and will follow the correct long term development. We will help you achieve your full athletic potential. Our focus is on long term gains, correct development and achieving your highest possible level. The group train for all heptathlon or decathlon events dependent on which you will be competining in. Heptathletes are welcome to train for the pole vault in addition to their regular training. We also offer small group and private coaching of combined events and most individual events. Each group has a maximum number of athletes to ensure you get individual attention and work on the areas you need to develop. We focus on the athletes development stage to make sure you take advantage of some key times when you are sensitive to improvement in certain areas. The coaching is provided by Matt who is an experienced performance level athletics coach. He is also a level 4 strength and conditioning coach, youth strength and conditioning specialist, personal trainer and triathlon coach. He coaches athletes of all ages who compete at National and World age group level. Matt regularly works with elite level coaches and athletes to continue expanding his skills and experience. He will provide you with the highest level of coaching. Please email info@balance-hf.co.uk or phone 01452 741711 to join the group or for further information.
Combined Events Group The combined events group coaching is split into two separate age groups in order to provide the correct development for the athletes. The groups are kept to a low size so every athlete gets the required attention. The first group is for ages 15 and below. In this age group the focus is on development and taking advantage of the windows of opportunity to improve certain areas and skills. The aim is for the athletes to then compete at the highest possible level as they progress through the age groups. The athletes are required to train at least twice a week. The competition aims of the group is achieving personal bests with good technical performances. Athletes grow and develop at vastly different rates in this age group so winning an event is not the best guide to ability. For example in the U13 age group a 10 year old born in August can be up against a 12 year old born in the September of almost 2 years before. The second group is for ages 15 and above. In this age group the focus is on training, competing and developing the athletes to perform at their highest possible level. The athletes will compete regularly and have specific targeted events throughout the year. The athletes are required to train at least twice a week. Athletes will train in the whole area of athletic development. This includes speed and agility, event technique, conditioning, appropriate strength and endurance training, mobility, power and confidence. Athletes will train in all of the events specific to the heptathlon or decathlon. All athletes will receive coached sessions which follow a long term periodised annual plan, support at all targeted competitions, email support, nutrition and recovery advice, 4 weekly training plans to follow (ages 15+), specific additional advice and exercises, analysis of technique from videos taken during a session, upkeep of individual records for each athlete (with their PB’s, targets and training performances), support at regional training days. We strongly believe everyone can enjoy sport and exercise and we provide a supportive environment to make this possible. Anyone can join our groups providing they have the right level of commitment.
Email info@balance-hf.co.uk or phone 01452 741711 to book your space or for further information.
Performance level coaching to achieve your highest level from club to elite Combnined events coaching for the pentathlon, heptathlon and decathlon covering all the events, sprints, hurdles, high and long jump, pole vault, discus, javelin and shot put
Combined Events Group Session days & times Mondays (Blackbridge Jubilee Athletics Track) - 5pm to 6:30pm (ages 15 and below) 6:30pm to 8:30pm (ages 15 and above) Wednesdays (Our studio and other nearby training areas)- 5:30pm to 7:00pm (ages 15 and above) Fridays (Blackbridge Jubilee Athletics Track)- 5:00pm to 6:30pm (all ages trained at their appropriate level) Saturdays (Blackbridge Jubilee Athletics Track) - 10am to 11:30am (all ages trained at their appropriate level) 11:30am to 1pm (Pole Vault only, all ages for those doing the decathlon and any heptathletes who want to do it) Cost We charge £3 per session. Some sessions have an additional facility fee dependent on where they take place (track fee etc). There are additional other costs over a year for some competitions and club membership. The athletes are encouraged to compete for and become members of Gloucester Athletic Club.